Using the BT Website Centre .. Security..
Set the User, and Directory and Password ... !
I get the Login Window:
User: Username.(Appended with Domain name)
Password: Password as supplied
Still unable to gain access ..?
..the Login Window Just Re-Appears ..!
No error Message/ or feedback as to why.. was username wrong, or password.. Or has the Secured directory not been found. If i cant Login to my own secured folder what chance will a customer have with possibly less IT knowledge..?
Yep.. coz i Just Set them .. lol
Have tested this function on one of our test accounts and it works OK.
You post suggests you are using a username and password which you were given by us.
You can create a customer username and password for this secure log on.
Please try accessing teh Website Centre > Security > Website Security
From there please select the folder/directory you wish to password protect from the drop-down menu.
Then set the top drop-down box to enabled.
Select the radio button next to: Add a new user and type a custom username and password (if you stick to the common password rules we specify i.e minimum 8 characters, letters and number and case sensitive it will work).
Click next and this will create a .htaccess file and .htpasswd file which will now sit in the folder which has been password protected.
Please let me know if this is successful.
I dont have the Option ...
Website Centre > Security > Website Security
My Options are ..
Security > SSL Manager
> FTP Manager
in > FTP Manager i can create a user/password for a folder.. however it does not work
I can change the password for the user.. ! and it still does not work.. the .htaccess/.htpasswd files are in the directory.. User and password are correct..(and Case is noted)..!
I expected any user , to login, get a directory listing, and be able to DL any File.. and If necessary use an FTP to UPload any required files. So i guess the only way to access the Directory/Files is for any user to use an FTP Programme ..? Will have to test this.
May just be easier to create my own Web Server, at this rate 😛 ..!
My apologies,
From your first post I understood that you wished to create a secure folder for access via HTTP and not FTP.
.htaccess files are not relevant in this case.
In the FTP manager you create a user by giving a username (which as you have said is appended to your domain) and a password.
You then select the folder which you are providing access to and click apply.
This creates a secondary FTP user and you can access the folder by FTP by using the following details.
FTP Host Address: (for example
Username: (for example
Password: The password you have specified.
By the sounds of things you are using Windows Explorer to access FTP.
If you are still having problems, I would suggest using an FTP client program such as Filezilla as you stated in your last post.
Let me know if this works for you.
Nope Sorry, Still unable to get them to work.. 😞
Either FTP, Secure access via Address line: ftp://xxxxxxxx
or via http address.. Are there any examples of settings used & the Login/Passwords others have used successfully etc..?