I recently noticed that sending email on accounts started to fail, receiving worked fine. The systems were setup using the default configuration as below:
POP setting
Server name: pop.outlook.com
Port: 995
Encryption method: SSL
SMTP setting
Server name: smtp.outlook.com
Port: 587
Encryption method: TLS
After investigation it appears that the SMTP server could not be found, the only way I could fix this was to substitute smtp.outlook.com for the server specified in OWA pod51017.outlook.com.
Any ideas why smtp.outlook.com cannot be found? We're using as primary DNS so shouldn't be an issue there.
Any advice, information would be greatly appreciated.
Hi there has beena major service raised with googles dns and
if you could change your dns to automatic this will resolve your issue - if you would prefer not to use automatic there are other alternitives out there
Thanks for your resposne, maybe you could clarify what the issue is as I cannot understand from your post 'major service raised'?
I could then work it out with Google or add another DNS as you suggest.
Many thanks.