"Speed cameras could be scrapped under proposals due to be considered by a Tory council, the leader said.
Swindon Borough Council is reviewing its involvement with the local safety camera partnership scheme and considering whether to spend its £400,000-a-year contribution elsewhere."
Call me a cynic but I think that this is a good move especially on the cameras that are obviously placed for revenue rather than safety!
Yes agree with you there Nomad. Makes sense to spend money elsewhere if you ask me too. The failing NHS? Deprived schools? Clubs/schemes to help keep ruffians off the streets maybe?
On a vaguely related note, heaven knows why the US is pumping so much money into sending state-of-the-art space equipment to Mars to check for water. I know nice pictures are sent back from the spacecraft but is it really worth all the money invested?
Ah, feels good to have a mini-moan...
Hmmm, on a lighter note
NB!!! Destroying speed cameras is punishable by law. Pictures and images are used for illustration purposes only.
i agree that speed cams are just generating revenue for a particular council,
the systems that work here are chicanes on certain roads that need speed reduction and they really work well