I'm a new customer with BT and I have a batch of 5 static IPs and a 2-wire router. My web server was configured with a static IP to get my basic services running while I configure my other servers. Everything was working fine (router was connecting with a dynamic public IP but static IP range was configured as per the instructions and a static was assigned to the web server, which was then serving traffic). One evening last week the static IP range stopped working. I checked the server and it was not able to retrieve web pages from the internet but all devices on my local IP range were fine, so the connection was okay.
I re-checked the config of the static IPs and ports, even though the problem occurred while nobody was in the office, and everything was as it should be. In the interests of simplifying the issue, I reconfigured my web server to a local IP and got local browsing back but of course no web traffic to the server component. The static IP of the router doesn't appear to be responding either. I have configured port forwarding and opened up a PPTP service to easily test the issue, which has been configured to use the router's default addresses.
Connecting through the router's dynamic public IP connects fine (proving port forwarding and internet connection) but using the router's static IP fails to connect, suggesting a mapping issue to my static IPs. My router is configured as per the documentation and it has been rebooted several times so I'm convinced the issue is not local to my network.
I contacted BT late last week by phone (after being dropped from the chat queue twice after finally getting to position 1 (I'm guessing they didn't like the look of the problem type)) but by the time I'd jumped through all the hoops of checking my connection settings etc, the second line team had gone home for the weekend. A support ticket was raised but I still haven't had a resolution or even been contacted about this other than to tell me that there aren't any other users reporting this sort of problem so it must be a problem with my config.
We're now into Wednesday and my workaround of pointing my DNS addresses to the dynamic public IP of my router (which changes it's address at least once a day) is getting ridiculous and is losing me business. It sounds like there are some very competent moderators on this forum so I'm asking for one to please pick up my fault and see what can be done, even if it's scrubbing my IP range and giving me a new range. Anything to give me a stable service and get my web server back online so I can get on with building the rest of my network.
first off check your router is using the correct username and password.
it may be using the green-light details or if it is somehow using another username and password intended for another broadband connection. i know you will have set this up correctly but its worth checking as it can happen due to the system BT have where the router signs on automatically using the serial number or something like that.
I do remember changing the authentication settings on day 1 and as mentioned this has been working fine, but I will check these again for completeness.
I've checked the authentication parameters and they are still correct.
ok. i will need to know one of the static ips you have set up and the current ip address.
can you PM them to me rather than advsertise them to the whole forum?
PM sent.
are you sure that is a static ip supplied by bt?
because it routes to adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be
go to network-tools.com and see
run a traceroute to the static ip and then compare to a traceroute for the dynamic
[***.**-***-***.adsl-dyn.isp.belgacom.be] - static
host**-***-***-***.in-addr.btopenworld.com] - BT peer address
basically it looks like you are trying to use another ISPs static ip addresses
Unfortunately yes, it's the IP range that BT sent me. I've PM'd you a copy of part of my welcome message, and that range was confirmed to me by BT support when I finally got through to them. I thought this was an IP mapping issue but I've struggled to get to someone in BT that has the toolset to fix this for me.
I ran a check against the static using the website you noted and it does appear to be a BT IP address.
right. with the correct details supplied i can confirm that not only is the correct ip address BTs. that the ip and peer route to the same place meaning that it should be working.
since it is not we now need to check the router setup as the 2700 is a pain in the rear end
Assuming you have set up the router correctly as it was working previously my first plan of attack is normally to factory reset the 2700 and set up the BB username and password again and also once again enable the public ip address
at this point it would be good to know... do you have the 2700s DHCP on or off?
and is there also something else like a server running DHCP either instead or at the same time?