I have a bt Business acount with free Wifi, i spend some on my week in Lonon at a flat and try to use the hotspots for internet access. Everything connects up fine in the living room, actually a very good speen and signal strength (ipad and macbook) but when i go to another room at the otherside of the flat (7 meters or less away) i cannot connect although the signal strength is showing up as strung/full bars. I cannot think of anything inbetween that would interfere. The strange thing is that it won't let me log in becuase it says my username and password is wrong, although it's right when im in the living room.
Any ideas would be greatly appreiciated!
Seems odd. Are you sure you're connecting to the same wireless SSID?
Dave A
Check the instruction on how to connect and you should be fine. I have done exactly that same what you want to be done, but haven't received any problems on my end. Try to do it again.