I'm finding that I've got unbelievably slow upload speeds from our BT Business Broadband.
We've just taken over the broadband from a previous owner who has always had a problem with slow upload speeds. We're a radio station, so we require the upstream connection to be decent in order to stream our audio. I logged in earlier to have a look at our router DG834G.
It's reporting that our Upstream Connection Speed is 396kbps. Is this normal? My run of the mill home internet connection is 796kbps. I would have assumed that being a business package it would be better than a bog-standard basic home connection. My exchange is CMCAS, which according to SAMknows supports ADSL, ADSL Max and ADSL2+. Now, I don't mind admitting to be a bit of a business broadband beginner but surely the speed I'm achieving is too low.
Straight line distance to exchange is 2km (I realise this doesn't neccesarily equate to the cabled distance).
For most ADSL business broadband connections we expect the upload speed to be ~0.5MB so you are around that range.
The A in ADSL stand for Asynchronous meaning that we kill off the upload to give a better download, if you require a specific upload speed then we can give an SDSL lne, if you have SDLS the Upload speed and Download speed are equal.
You can request this from sale on 0800 800 152
alternately you can contact us
Interesting.. have you got an online price/ availability list for the SDSL upgrade ?
give me two minutes and i will get what i have together
Hi guys
here it is click here for the pricing list
ADSL has a low upload rate because to get a fast upload ( to the maximum of 2.5mb ) you need to be on fastpath technology which uses a higher frequency ( same as download) to transmit the data. But it comes at a cost in that you will lose 2-3 megabits of your download. Cable on the other hand with DOCSIS 3.0 can have a very high upload to the point where it's as fast as the download. People in Japan and some EU countries have 100mbit upload/download. The reason why Cable companies like VM are limiting your upload capacity is because (I was told by VM Tech) Traffic Shaping and they don't want people running servers congesting the network. BE Broadband are the only provider I know of that can provide you with an upload of over 2mbit.