I'm seeing very slow upload speeds using my fibre connection, only around 600KBps. Stats are attached below.
Using a speed tester gave me downloiad speed of 22829Kbps and upload speed of 629Kbps.
I had thought that the problem was that I'd switched to using a new modem/router (Draytek 2850n) so I could use my ADSL line as a failover, but testing with the original modem gave very similar results.
In the past, I've got much better upload speeds than this - anyone got any ideas what's causing the problem?
Where are you uploade these files too? DL and UL speeds vary depending on the destination servers. It might be possible that the server is busy or just not perform that well.
Try uploading on some test sites, I would bet you would see a significant difference.
Realise destination server makes a big difference, have tried several different speed test sites, e.g.
The figures from both of these agree with those in the router stats I posted.
As well as this uploading files, e.g. to Dropbox, is pretty slow.
I'm definitely getting a low upload speed and it seems to be my fibre connection that's the issue.
Will raise a fault and see what happens...
If speedtests show one thing, but you get poor bandwidth when actually upoading, it could be that having the MTU limited to 1492 is casing packet fragmentation.
You could try setting the MTU on your computers NIC to 1492 and seeing if your performance improves.
What type of uploading are you doing ?
Are you able to test to a different site ?
I'm on an FTTC connection and I can saturate it copying files (over a VPN) to other non BT locations, but I am using a router that allows me to run with an MTU of 1500.