We have had emails bounced from a couple of large companies, I investigated if our domain is blacklisted which lead me to running a test at uceprotect.net which gave this result.
Further research suggests this can be related to having a fixed I.P address, which we have.
Could this explain the email problems we have experienced and how do we solve this?
WARNING: Forward-DNS does NOT match Reverse-DNS.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Hi LinkHamson
Sorry to hear you are having these issues. I believe that reverse DNS will need to be checked out on this line for you. I would recommend contacting our DNS team here, and they can sort that for you 🙂
Hi LinkHamson
Sorry to hear you are having these issues. I believe that reverse DNS will need to be checked out on this line for you. I would recommend contacting our DNS team here, and they can sort that for you 🙂