It's very puzling to me why BT provide their new Hub 6 to residential accounts but not to business acount.
Hi awm
at the moment the Hub 6 is only for home users, they bring them out for home users first as they have a bigger customer base for testing and debugging equipment.
We have been led to beleive that there is a new router coming out for business user, but at this stage we don't know when.
Any news on the BT Smart Hub for business - eta for release...?
Hi mrw_y2k
we believe a new Business Hub is going to be trialed later this month, we have no exact dates when this will be, or when it would then get rolled out across Business.
Not sure why a business would go for a product that is only supported (????) by BT and not a "proper" business router. I see lots of questions about this product that are elementary - All of which the posters say they cannot find out - Things like "Does it support VPN?", "Can it be remotely managed - By someone other than BT?" and "Does it support static routes?".
If that level of information is not available, then why on earth would a business want one?
I agree 100%.
Not only do they have the issues you mentioned, but also most chages require a reboot. Reliability is questionable. There are no tools for debugging network traffic issues. etc etc. It really should not be called a business router.