Hi, I just upgraded my broadband service to unlimited usage from 8GB allowance. On the phone they said it will be tomorrow when it will change to unlimited, but will that be at 12:00 tonight as the day starts or 24 hours after I phoned up? I need to know since I need to start downloading programs as soon as possible.
Hi Dannyboy93,
Once the re-grade order has been placed the new package will take affect sometime before 8pm on the activation date of the new order.
However as you have went from a limited usage package to an unlimitted usage package, if you go over the limit before the end of this month you will not be charged the overuse charges, as we do not charge for part month usage for when you change packages, although you may still get the emails stating that you have went over your limit you can ignore them.
Hi Danny. How are you enjoying the upgrade so far?