I have an ongoing issue with my Static IP and I was curious if anyone else has had/ is having a similar problem. My BT Hub 3 connects to the web, it registers the IP I have been given, I can browse out no problem, but any attempt to contact the router or any of the services setup through port forwarding fails. This was all working until Saturday 28th April. Ping times out, and the tracert dies at which I assume is on the BT network. Needless to say after 4 calls to the "support" desk I have gotten no further, and I am starting to lose mail as my spam filter only stores for 3 days.
I have done the following:
- shutdown all services behind the router
- reset the router to factory default
- reconfigured the router and left it as a standard setup with no port forwards etc.
Any help would be appreciated, I am at the point where I have been a BT customer for two weeks, and I have regretted every moment, I am definately going to looking for compensation and possible to have the contract cancelled due to non-performance.
So you cannot ping your WAN IP from outside? There maybe ACL set up here, you are correct. Since your WAN IP is not displayed here, can you at least paste the tracert?
When you reset the "hub" did you enable the firewall ?
The IP address is certainly in the BT network and I can reach it from outside the BT network, but I am unable to ereach it from a BT FTTC connection. There is no reverse DNS for the address, but a WHOIS lookup shows it as allegedly BT 21CN infrastructure.
Can you post a traceroute to ?
If you are on FTTC, in a worst case scenario you could use a computer to connect, such as http://windows.microsoft.com/en-gb/windows-vista/Create-a-PPPoE-connection-to-the-Internet for windows 7 and http://support.apple.com/kb/PH4123 for Apple OS X Lion
If you are on ADSL then you could try any existing ADSL routers with your BT login details and see if they connect.