Hi. I have a Kodak 5250 WiFi All-In-One printer which worked very well with my D-Link wireless router. Since upgrading to 20M ADSL and, therefore, a BT Business Hub (2-Wire 2700HGV), I am having trouble getting the printer to connect to the hub. It seems to recognise the SSID, port etc but when I put in the WiFi key and ask it to connect, it says it is unable. Only difference between the two routers (apart from speed) is that the D-Link was unsecured and the BT Hub is secured. Has anyone else come across (and solved) this problem?
Some wireless devices don't work well with the default encryption provided on the Business Hub (WEP). I'd recommend changing to WPA authentication, it's more secure anyway. Obviously, you'll need to ensure that any other devices which connect wirelessly are changed over to the new authentication. Please see this Help & Support article:
How do I increase the security of my wireless network?
If all else fails connect teh Dlink to the 2wire2700 with DHCP turned off and then connect the printer the same as before.
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, the combined D-Link/BT Hub approach is not going to work as my daughter ran off with the D-Link router the second it was unplugged!
Bizarrely, the security settings were already on WPA/WPA2. Changing them to WEP seems to make the printer connection work??
I am trying to resolve exactly the same problem, with a Dell 1350 Wifi laser, and the BT Fibre hub. My old Thomson 585 router works within seconds, with the exact same security settings, but the BT hub is a waste of time. I have to keep switching to an unconnected router, just to print things over Wifi, it's ridiculous.
As I said in another thread, the internal software on the Fibre hub is a mess. It's too busy advertising services to do the job properly. BT should look at the software in the Thomson 585, it does the job, flawlessly... and that's all the router needs to do. The software in the BT Fibre Hub looks like it has been designed by someone from their call centre team.
The Windows XP operating system is known to be a little quirky using WPA encryption but
more often than not when I'm called to troubleshoot such matters it's because folk got
the WEP & WPA passwords mixed up. It's easily done, lord knows I've done it myself lol!