Hi… can anyone help when I send a email using my alias email address using Outlook Web Access where you would have your name or company first I get xxxx@btconnect.com then mymail@mydomainname.co.uk how can I change the btconnect part and replace with my name….I have setup the personalise the default sent from email address....thanks ...Dave
(details removed by moderator)
You have cut off this business line because the bill has not been paid. We apologise for this and are anxious to pay our account BUT we cannot find the last one and so cannot give you our Account No.
Could you send us another account which we will settle directly.
It has taken us hours online to find out how to email you. Why do you make it so difficult? Please email directly to let us know you have received this email. If you sent us the account as an attachment we could pay it today BY
Peter Coldicutt, MD H Mustin & Son Ltd.
Hi hmustinltd,
Having looked at the details you provided, this is showing as a BT Residential account.
Unfortunately you have posted on the BT Business Forum.
If you wish you can raise your issue on the Residential Forums who would be able to assist you further with this.
Hope this is of help
BT Forum Moderator
7 Holywell Way
Tel: - 01733 752146
e.mail: - jpw16@lineone.net
09 March 2014
British Telecom
Customer Services
Dear Sirs,
Ref: - 2 Old Roman Walk, Branodunum, Brancaster, Norfolk, PE31 8XE
I have problems that I hope you can solve for me.
Firstly, I suffer from deafness that makes using the phone less than easy.
Secondly, I can get no sensible response to my on-line enquiries, as the above address in Brancaster does not have a telephone number allocated to it in so far as I can ascertain.
Thirdly, I can find no postal addresses in The BT Phone Book to whom this enquiry can be addressed.
The Brancaster address does have telephone points built into the construction. [built approx 1974/6] I do not really need a phone in Brancaster as I use a mobile phone whilst I am there. It serves as a Holiday Home. We let the property out for short Holiday lets via an agent.
It is becoming apparent that as landlord, it would be advantageous to have a WiFi facility in the property. Because the property is let out only for about 120 days per year (holiday season only), I do not want to pay line rental for 12 months of the year; 2/3rds of which will be totally wasted and unused.
I wish to ascertain what service you could supply, and the cost[s] to provide WiFi only at the Brancaster address. My husband & I will be available In Brancaster on Friday 28th March’14, and request that your representative visit the property on that day, by appointment, to discuss the options.
Please REPLY to this Peterborough address by email.
Yours faithfully
Barbara. A. Wilkinson