Does anybody know how to insert and setup a contact form that emails me when someone submits it. I have seen an epages live site that has a contact form but I can't find how you do this in the admin area of my shop. Anybody successfully set one up?
Go to Settings > Email settings > Events > Contact form. Add your own email address into the BCC Address field.
Thanks for this. I have made this active now but do I have to physically create the form and the items in it in order for it to email me? i.e. create the text fields where customers enter information??
Thought there might have been a template?
The contact form is built in to the ePages system. You need to add a link to it via your website template. Go to Design > Advanced Design. Select section of template where you want link. Click "Insert page element" > More Page Elements > "Link to Contact Form".
Thank you very much, Contact form now working.