My god, i think i am going to scream. Since todays upgrade to 365 emails my iphone simply stopped receiving emails. I have spent near 4 hours doing exactly what the bumph states, my phone simply hangs at verfiying stage. My outgoing would only work before with, this isnt now the case.. i really need my email for work when i am travelling, without it, my business may as well not function. i really need a resolve on this or i simply change my service provider, thats how important access to and receiving emails is to me when on the road.
If anyone else is getting the same problem or has found the answer i desperately need to know.....
Tomorrow i am travelling and awaiting an important email update to determine if i need to travel to another location, i simply wont get this email now! absolute nightmare, i am tired and angry from trying time and time again to get this up and running.
Why is nothing straight forward when changes take place with emails or service ugrades??? 😞
I believe there are a lot of problems running in 365 upgrade. I hope BT will do something about this immediately. You are not the only who's having this sort of problem.
I have the same problem. Just got email working from my office after a day messing about.
I cant send emails from my home computer, its just the usual BT shambles.
I have got so fed up with this upgrade plus I don't want everything on a "cloud" that I shall be changing ISP's back to normality.
Bye bye BT
Hi Superbug,
Did you do what is outlined in this article? That should get you up and running on the new servers.