Most of my shopping website works okay but recently have had problems with one cat when pages doesn't load properly in internet explorer browsers works fine in mozilla have spent over an hour this morning on chat lines and telephone going round in circles but my customers keep asking why they can't see the products on this page also the page doesn't load properly as side bar with shopping basket isn't visible either so please anyone please help
hello suffolkplants
I've experienced this problem (or something very similar). I found that it was related to the text editor.
I'll bet you are using Firefox to manage the admin section of your website. Correct?
I suspect you've recently edited a product page "Long Description" using the text editor. Can you remember recently changing one of your products like this?
Thanks for reply
Yes to both your question I do use firefox for admin and I cut and pasted in from word a long description and I also add variations to my products in this section and no others I did get these products showing this weekend by adding to tray and then putting them all in another section and then changing heading of this section which got me round it
BT recommend using firefox so why the problem
OK, you can try this (it solved my problem):
- Go back to the product you recently edited
- Delete all text from "Long Description"
- Open up the Text editor and input product text again from your word document. Save.
- Important: Once saved, do not edit text again in Text editor
Check your webpages in both IE and Firefox. How does it look? Your problem should now be solved.
As an experiment, you could try editing some of the text again using the Text editor (just add a full stop or something - then Save). Check webpages again in IE and Firefox. Has the problem returned to IE?