Phones went off 5th of December and we have critical care and are a business, get constant un truths of a different person from bt every time we phone, its alway a date far in advance so that we wont phone for a week or two, its been a night mare having to use another computer at a freinds office to at least keep things going , Our only hope now is that we have a contact in Blackburn who is trying her best to get openreach to get out and fix the fault, tried to leave and go to another phone company , but bt want £1800.00 for us to leave and they want to keep our long established number, oh and don't bother writing to the Bt Corespondance centre ten letters later they do not corespond. I would hire a cherry picker myself and put the new two core cable in if I knew which cable it was I am that desperate for closure on this.