My BT Smart Hub 3 has been online for exactly:
System uptime:
1 Day, 22 Hrs 44 Mins
Yet, my Hub is still refusing to upgrade from firmware version:
Firmware version:
r1.34.0-R-994210-PROD-83002r 1 . 3 4 . 0 - R - 9 9 4 2 1 0 - P R O D - 8 3
I'm pretty stuck as I know that there are newer firmwares than this one, but whenever I contact BT Support the only reply I get is "this is automatic". That isn't good enough and I think I have a faulty Hub as this device has never checked for updates from BT.
This connection is an FTTX connection (FTTP with External).
Please can someone assist?
Hi jimmyp
Did you receive this BT Business Smart Hub 3 from BT Business directly?
Hi BethM,
Yes, it has acquired directly from BT Business. I still have an enhanced business contract. I’m currently testing no network activity at night time to see if it forces the update.
Hi jimmyp
Can you please send over some account details via private message so I can query this from my end?