After struggling and fighting with silly people to get BT to sort out the speed on my broadband and get it up to 52Mbps.
I'm now in a situation whereby the router disconnects on a regular almost daily and reconnects all by itself.
Reading the log file of the Hub 6 it reveals -
'Connection to the internet has been terminated.(Reboot,Reconfiguration,forced termination)'
This regular disconnection is causing my 'IP Profile' set speed to deterriorate almost every day and has now from 9th April to the 8th May caused the speed to drop from 50.6Mbps to 41.18Mbps !
At this rate I'm going to be back down to the 32Mbps again in a few weeks.
This is NOT an odd occurrance as many people have related the exact same issue with their BT Hubs.
Is it not time BT did something to fix the hub disconnection thing?
You are told 'NOT TO DISCONNECT' your broadband as it will effect the speed it can achieve and that after 10 days it will be at it's best.
With the router doing it's own thing, how can you keep it connected ?
Hi mikej101,
That is a strange occurence with the hub. I'm sorry you've been having the disconnections. Are you still having problems? I would be interested to see what is causing it. I will also go through some diagnosticcs to fix it. PM me if you are still having issues.