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Changing the broadband network connection password for BT Business Hub 3


Find out which BT Business Hub you've got.


Your BT Business Hub 3 password is also your broadband network login password.

To change your connection password:

  1. Log into Your BT Business account.
  2. Select Manage services at the top of the page.
  3. In the Your Account Settings section, select Router settings.
    If you can't see this, we'll need to change the password for you, so click the contact us link, on this page and get in touch.
  4. Select Change router password.
  5. Enter your current password in the Your Password field.
  6. Enter your New password and then Re-enter new password.
  7. Select Save changes.
  8. Your password has now changed.

If you need help changing the Hub Manager admin password see How can I change the admin password on my BT Business Hub 3?