So my BT Fibre 1 broadband and phone contract is coming to an end this month. I currently play £31 a month for 45-50 Mbps down and 10 Mbps Up, and 700 home phone minutes. Was looking to upgrade to the full fibre 1 package from BT which offers 150Mbps down and 30 Mbps up.
Despite my best attempts at haggling (including threatening to leave to Virgin) , the lowest BT could offer me was £37.50 a month for 24 months with no setup fee and £60 credit. Should I accept or try to get the price down more?
Would also be curious to know what others are paying for broadband and phone from BT.
Hi ituhabitu
Based on the fact you mention home phone minutes, it sounds like you are talking about a residential account. This forum is for business customers, please go to our residential forum here: