Hello Everyone,
i have been in the wordpress hosting with my blog .
i am planning to go with blgger hosting... will this dicision is good
Any Idea , Suggestions would be appreciated,
I didn't find the right solution from the internet.
Blogger is definately a great platform but in my opinion WordPress offers a lot more and has a great community to help. You can find tons of WordPress themes and plugins best suited for your niche.
Yes agreed...GoDaddy is the great option for transforming blog to a Wordpress site..So u can go for it
I don't know why you wish to shift to blogger as WordPress is a great platform. It gives great features. You can use so many dynamic themes in it.
I agree Wordpress is a much stronger platform that blogger, there is just so much less flexibilty. Wordpress has a huge range of plugins covering just about everything. With wordpress you can also blend in a blog with your your own webstite for example I've done that with my own blog Hopefully you can see that it fits in very esaily and well.
I have a blogger account but there is just nothing like those options available.