My client wants me to host his web site. I am worried that the hardware provided with the BT Infinity circuit may not cope. Does anyone have an opinion on this? I currently get 37.5 / 8.5Mb and don't have any issues.
phillipahoward wrote:... that the hardware provided with the BT Infinity circuit may not cope.
What do you mean by "not cope"?
If you are worried about a potential failure then that could happen with any hardware and you would be releiant on repair or replacement time scales. To mitigate against that, you would either hold your own or have a BT Total Care package that is appropriate for your needs.
How big is the website? How many hits? Does it contain large downloadable files? All of those may adversely affect the performance of the website and your own connection.
Look at all aspects of the BT Infinity service and what it is designed to provide and ask if performance of each parameter is suitable when both your business and his depend on the service.
Why not find a UK based hosting service? They are not extortionately expensive and will probably cost less than you would charge your client.
It's an ERP system as opposed to a web shop. I expect to have 40 concurrent users with some downloading 20-30MB files periodically. My concern is will the HH handle 40 concurrent sessions.
I am just looking for other peoples experiencies when more than just the family are connecting to the service.
Hosting is another option but the configuration I am looking at isn't cheap.
Can't help you on that ... We have two consulytancy business here during the day and then in the evening it is given over to domestic use ... typically 10-15 concurrent users, either individuylas, PCs running, TV, DVD, and others. Oftern large files are downloaded during the periods of high concurrent use and no issues.
Why not try talking to support at 2Wire/Pace: