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BB Issues, Woeful support


Just changing this line because the forum thinks I'm flooding, ignore


We've been figting an uphill battle with Bt now for a mont to get an office move done,. its now at the point i'm cancelling the whole thing, just to avoid the stress, greif and inconvieienc of the whole thing.


Anyway, our broadband has always been a bit hit and miss here, we got 8Mb once, now down to 4, but its stable bar the odd hiccup and that godawful **bleep** bill reminder.


Bit of background on us. We are an IT repair/electronics shop. Our broadband is our lifeline, it carries all of our VOIP lines, runs the link between our Uk and Canadian shops, the PDQ and till system use it and we rsync our databases between the two sites over it. On top of this we do remote support and maintainance for our customers and we need it to do updates etc. No broadband leaves us totally and utterly dead in the water.


Last week, our broadband was disabled. PPP sessions were failing and a call to be revealed that the guys there dont know the difference between November and December and had killed the line early. After some jumping up and down the line was restored, though I'd already given up and closed early. one day lost earl#nings and two upset customers because they couldnt take their kit away as they couldnt pay.


Monday morning I notice our connection 'isnt right' a quick look at the firewall shoes LCP packets going missing and followed by repeated CHAP timeouts. A bit more digging and it seems once in a while we loose showtime too. BT are called, and during a long chat we were told no fault, then as it went again the lady re-ran the line test which utterly failed at the BT end with a number of odd errors. We were tols it was booked in and we'd hear back soon. This was at 10 am. A message was sent to teh business movers team rep we were assigned who hasnt even called me back 50 hours on.


For reference, after all the messing we've had in the pst, our line comes in, through and ADSL filter at the test socket. One end into a ADSL2 modem, one end into an FXO for our exchange. There is no other wiring or kit, and we even pulled the FXO out at one point and changed the filter and modem.


9am Tue morning we get a call from an exchange engineer. He says he found a problem where our line enters the exchange and it didnt seem to be punched down properly, he had corrected this but was certain it wasnt the issue so an engineer was comming out to look at it.


10am a Telephone engineer saunters in, wrong address, right name. and when he's told theres a broadband issue he points out he only does phone lines, not broadband. He looks over our kit, declares it all fine, then tries to run a line test, only he cant, the test number doesnt work. When I point out he needs to dial 9 he's surprised that A)Its a BT line and its a feature line. Aparently he'd not been told either. The test gets run, comes back ok and he wanders off and fiddles with a few things. He comes back and tells me that *I* now need to call my provider (thats BT) and arrange for a broadband engineer to come out and do a line test. He saunters off and I do just ask asked. I'm informed that he's already submitted the report and an engineer is on the way, nothing that I need to do and she'll give me a call back to let me know whats going on.


Half an hour later I get a call informing me of an issue between the exchange and the cabinet and that a team is out looking into it. Odd, the line test came back clear but ok. fifteen mins late rthere are BT engineers all over the place and I let things be. We are up to 2pm now and thats a day and a half I'm behind.


 No further calls come but the firewall announces the line is up and stable, a quick look confirms this is indeed true and its been up for 15 minutes (prev record was 4) So I run a speed test...

120k d/s 10k u/s. I'm about to call when I get a call from BT saying that no fault was found by the engineer and I need to pay for the call out (Three times I've been told there is a fault) I blow up at the guy who promises to call back after hes found out more.


The call comes back (we are now at 3pm) and he says there is an inconsistancy to what the engineer told him and whats on the system. (The engineer lied) and he's taking control of the fault and will get it resolved. As we are in the 48 hours of the original fault things are still withing acceptable limits. I'm also informed by a customer that my line was out of order all morning at this point returing 'Sorry there is a fault'.


5pm I call the complaints line, I'm told that there is nothign the guy can do, and given the overall impressiong they dont care anyway. The call ends with no attempt at resolving this or retaining me as a customer.


Weds is my 'on call day'. 9:30 am I get a call saying the engineer is on his way. I'm on a call so I cut this short, apologise to the customer and head back to the shop, predictably, no engineer. And still no engineer now. We still have no useable broadband and I'm now not only 3 days behind, I've had to send customers home empty handed and as the day ticks on I'm having to cancel call outs and thats costing me more money.


So, anyone on here have any suggestions or does anyone at BT actually care? I've seem Vermin media screw up before but never like this. I'm dead in the water, loosing money hand over fist and nop-one at BT seems to care.


On top of that we've had false promises, misinformation, failure to communicate and outright lies about our office move too :smileysad:



Sadly after a week of outage thats not really an acceptable answer 😞 Even a stable 1Mb service would be nice, in fact getting callbacks would be a start.


The decision has been made to shut down the shop two days early and take the hit on lost sales/repairs. Pending a callback from our account manager we are going elsewhere and cancelling the lot 😞 In the middle of an office move this isnt the kind of hassle you need.


I now feel very worried about the dozen of so customers I put onto Infinity and we'll be going back to them with our experiences and suggesting those with out the GPRS backup (and those that stopped the payments for it) that the absolutely HAVE to have it. I'll carry the can if these systems go down and I have no faith they wont.


Apology Accepted DaveA as mentioned above, we provide all our customers with two routes and 99% of them let the subs on the 3G slide, cancelling it after a month. Most small businesses run this way and theres an argument that the redundancy shouldnt be needed by small businesses. Its a sad fact that most of a small businesses workload relies on internet access and until its gone they dont realise they should have a plan. None of our customers that we have taken on have ever thought about this.



hello, seems like you are having lots and lots of problems. Did the profile reset work? Have you tried escalating this issue within customer service? They have special teams called 'customer champions'. Basically if you have ongoing problems which are not getting resolved this can be passed to them and you have a dedicated agent who deals with your case for a faster resolution. They deal with wholesale, openreach, managers etc. And there is no cost involved.

I personally have neevr had a problem with customer service and i always speak to pleasent agents, some of whom go above and beyond what they are meant to. 

Hope this helps.