Hi there can anyone please tell my how I can check on how much of my 10 GB BB I am using each month. On residential there is a very useful chart but I cannot find anything on the BUSINESS pages.
Any help much appreciated.
The Business Broadband does not have a usage monitor similar to the Residential Broadband service. We will send an email to your primary BTConnect email address when you are nearing your limit, this will allow you to reduce your usage until the end of the month.
We will update the forum if there are any changes to this.
Kind Regards
BT Business Forum Moderator
Hi Fiona
Sorry to be coming into this a bit late. I've gone over my limit a couple of times now and the warning email from BT has arrived so late that I'd already gone over the limit by the time the email arrived. I called tech support about this and they told me that the information is a day old before the email is sent so it's not really a lot of use.
If I remember rightly there was less than a day between the warning and the surcharge emails and I know there had been little or no traffic in that time as they both arrived over a weekend.
I'd appreciate some improvement in that system, if there's no likelihood of a usage monitor in the near future.
Here's hoping... 🙂