Hi Guys,
If I have Hosted VoIP with two phones (A and B). If someone calls phone B, can I pickup the call with phone A?
Is there anyway way to get auto attendant functionaility with Hosted VoIP?
What number is displayed when I dial out from a phone, the 056xxxxxxx number or can I assign any geogrpahic number I have purchased?
Hi Memale,
1) I recommend downloading the BT Hosted VoIP user guide. It explains a lot of the functionality you've described, including Hunt Groups and Call Pick Up groups. I believe the auto-attendant feature is best covered by "Find-Me-Follow-Me", but any of these tools can be customised online according to your requirements.
2) You can select which number is displayed when outbound calls are made (056 or any geographical number). Visit Selfcare for to do so.