we transferred from ADSL to FTTC last week and have successfully set up our public IP ranges on our interoffice vpn router. While the ipsec interoffice vpn seems to work fine with the BT firewall on its default setting, we cant vpn from clients into the office unless we disable the BT firewall completely. This isnt a problem for our office network as we have a complete firewall on our network router sat behind the BT router but we also want to use the wireless on the BT hub for guest internet access so would prefer to leave the firewall active.
I've tried the DMZ option but it seems you can only set internal IP address machines in the DMZ not those with publicly assigned ip addresses (this makes sense as they should be completely open anyway). I've also tried setting up a new applicatoin called "All" that forwards all ports to our network router behind the BT hub and set the firewall option to customised but this doesnt work.
Does anyone have any ideas why all ports arent opened by default when a public ip address is configured or why I cant forward all ports to a pubic ip address without disbaling the firewall completely?
A friend suggested for me to transfer from ADSL to FTTC. May I ask where can I get more information about these 2 options?
I've traced the problem to the IP address lease of our router expiring on the homehub so it thinks the equipment is disconnected and then stops forwarding traffic (unless the firewall is off completey). I'll try and find the optoin to force a lease expire on the linksys router.
do you get to keep your static ip that went with your adsl account when switching to fibre?
i could do without setting up forward/reverse dns, firewalls etc. again.
Yes if you specify it on the order.
Hi there,
DMZ won't work with multiple IP(no nat addresses). If you want to use DMZ call BT and ask for a single static instead. The reason for this is that DMZ uses DHCP to assign the WAN address to the DMZ host and the WAN address on the multi IP package is always dynamic.
To properly forward VPN you need to use the pre defined PPTP rule in the firewall or the GRE47 protocol will not be forwarded. Setting up 1723 on it's own is not enough.