Hi, I'm currently faced with an issue with my eShop. A while ago BT websites designed our eShop www.surfastone.com which I re-designed myself after wanting a new company image. However, the menu bar they have designed (which I'm aware is coded) cannot be removed from the Admin pages. I have tried starting from a blank template and various other things to try to remove effects on the menu bar however without success. I would like to redesign the website again but this time using a new menu bar which I would like from one of the Design Templates however this coding is preventing me from making changes.
Is there anyway I can overcome this problem? I spoke to the BT Web Designers and they charge £400 which I feel is far too much for the work required. All that is required is he removal of the menu coding in the HTML which I feel I could do myself, with my basic HTML knowledge, all I need is access to the HTML coding.
HELP URGENTLY REQUIRED. This is stopping me from re-designing the company site.
Hi, not sure if you've already sorted this out but if you need access to the HTML/CSS code you should find it in the following location:
Settings > General Settings > General > Advanced Settings