So about 4 days ago i got a random DSL disconection for 15 secs, my broadband then came back on and my speed was slow, i've waited over 3 days for the DSL down rate to go back up to 928kbs (that's what it was on before the disconection) but it seems to be stuck on 800kbs. I saw this posted in another post so i believe my ip profile is maybe stuck on; 576 - 863kb/s 500 (up to 0.5Mb/s) rather than it being on 864 - 1151kb/s 750 (up to 0.75Mb/s Also before people say there's barely any difference at 0.75Mbps i can watch netflix, livestream tv, watch youtube/twitch at 360p and also play online with no problems at all so it is a pretty big difference for me. Also this has happened in the past before but i'm not sure what BT did to fix it, i think it could of been a line reset but i'm not sure.