I've got forwarding set up from one of our Office 365 email accounts to send all messages to my personal BT Openworld (domestic) email account but they all come through to the BT Openworld marked as "Undeliverable" and go straight to my SPAM folder.
I've just checked the Office 365 webmail and found over 1800 messages in there half of which are duplicates marked as bounced back but it won't let me delete them. I get an error "unexpected error - the ID is invalid".
1. Why is one BT email service marking all emails from another BT email service as Spam?
2. How can I get rid of all these emails from my inbox?
3. How do I delete multiple emails as selecting 1800 individual tickboxes will take forever?
@tansycat wrote:I've got forwarding set up from one of our Office 365 email accounts to send all messages to my personal BT Openworld (domestic) email account but they all come through to the BT Openworld marked as "Undeliverable" and go straight to my SPAM folder.
I've just checked the Office 365 webmail and found over 1800 messages in there half of which are duplicates marked as bounced back but it won't let me delete them. I get an error "unexpected error - the ID is invalid".
1. Why is one BT email service marking all emails from another BT email service as Spam?
2. How can I get rid of all these emails from my inbox?
3. How do I delete multiple emails as selecting 1800 individual tickboxes will take forever?