Im wiring this on behalf of my father in law as he sint cluded up on computers.
His BT router stopped working a few weeks ago so he decided to ring the BT support number
He was directed to a support center in India. They gave him a reference number and told him the router would be there in a few days. It didn't show up. He rang again. They said the same thing. Again no router. He rang last week and they said it would be here today. Still nothing!!!
Is this normal BT service? Its a disgrace to be honet. He is waiting on a router yet is still paying for the service!
Can someone give me a telephone number of BT based in the UK so he can ring and see what exactly is going on?
I have told him to move provider but he said he will give BT one last chance.
Thanks in advance
Pajd, firstly, I am very sorry to hear that your father has had some difficulty with replacing his router. it seems likely that your father is a Residential customer.
The Residential helpdesk does have a Live Chat option, where you can communicate using an Instant Messaging client, this may be a better way for him to contact the helpdesk:
Contact BT