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Continual BT Contract Problems


Last September I renewed my contract our phone lines. This renewal never took place and has since lead to considerable expense to ourselves for which we have never been compensated by bt for.
The latest twisted in what has turned into a rather upseting tale is that bt has now charged us £100+ for switching to an all inclusive package to include mobile calls. We specifically asked at the time in september if we were able to swap to the £10 /month without penalty and we were told we were. If this were not the case we would not have gone with such an inflexible and miss-sold package (however bt failed to implement any package causing us to be charged full prices on all our
Now it would seem were are again miss-sold as our 1000 free minute packages has now disappeared without warning on my other phones and we are placed on another contact with 100 free minutes with previous knowledge. 100 is less than 1000.
To recap on this occasion
-I have been charged a termination fee dispite being assured last September that I could switch to the mobile inclusive calls at any time. And that I eventually ended up with a package that I would not have taken.
- My 1000 free mins call package for my other phones has turned in an
100 minute package without any knowledge of  myself. Why would anyone sign another contact for 100mins when they had a 1000 free minutes while still under contract which I'd only signed up for a month earlier after the botched renewal in September?