I'm posting on here in the hope that someone can answer a little question. BT itself do not even answer my question.
Why is it that every Friday at about 12.00 noon my broadband disconnects and reconnects ? No chance of it staying on all the time. Every Friday - why ?
Hi there mikej101
if it is disconnecting at exactly the same time, that could be an indication of REIN/SHINE, which is where lelctrical intereference is interupting the broadband signal.
Are you aware of anything onsite that switches on/off on a Friday that 12?
A couple of thoughts;
Is the broadband itself actually disconnecting, or just you from your network? If you are using DHCP, then there is a possibility that there is a 1 week DHCP lease timer set, that renews the DHCP IP address on your device once a week. That could cause an apparant disconnection reconnection, but of your device from the network, rather than the network from the internet.
Alternatively, decent routers (like Draytek) have the ability to have schedules programmed in them for things like timed reboots. Perhaps a weekly reboot programmed?