I registered my Domain Name with BT around 18 months ago and had no problems with it.
Unfortunately the package was paid for by the company I worked for and since I changed companies a couple of months ago BT no longer host my webspace.
I now have a new service provider (Tiscali) and forwarded my domain, (still registered with BT),to my webspace on the Tiscali server. Unfortunately I've found that the majority of PC's somehow don't like this and come up with an HTTP403, but it does work happily on a small minority of PC's.
Browsing directly to the Tiscali Website is ok on all PC's.
I've also tried this on my free BT webspace with the same results.
Do you any suggestions what might be causing this issue ?
That's nearly interesting in that one of my "testers" is on Tiscali. HOWEVER, when I self-test on my own Bt-connected pc's I get the Http403 message. The error has occured on
However, it has worked fine on:
Thanks Peter