I bought the £2.99 per month starter pack with which I got one domain for free
Yesterday I bought another domain ... in fact it cost £10 for 2 years ... I was presented with the option of taking a second starter pack with this new domain.
I did not take this option because I assumed that I could manage my new domain with the first starter pack also. Is this correct?
Or do I need to have a separate new starter pack of £2.99 per month with each new domain I buy from BT?
This is completely incorrect. You can only have 1 domain registered as the primary domain for both of BTs hosting packages.
I think it is explained correctly now on my thread ... Persevering with my problem ....
With the £2.99 starter pack you can buy as many domains as you want. But you can only have web hosting on one of them.
If you want to do web hosting on the other domains then for each of these you need to buy from within the account another web hosting package (£5 listed but will actually cost you £2.99)
Quick link to above stated thread:
@david111 wrote:I bought the £2.99 per month starter pack with which I got one domain for free
This creates an Internet Business Pack order with a WM account number.
Yesterday I bought another domain ... in fact it cost £10 for 2 years ... I was presented with the option of taking a second starter pack with this new domain.
When you choose to register a new domain, you must choose a hosting package to associate it with. The starter package or professional package must be selected.
I did not take this option because I assumed that I could manage my new domain with the first starter pack also. Is this correct?
Or do I need to have a separate new starter pack of £2.99 per month with each new domain I buy from BT?
It is perfectly acceptable for you to add as many domains as you want on to the starter pack you already purchased. Just don't do it via the add-services page. You need to log in to the starter packs admin pages by going to http:www.bt.com/business/login and putting the btconnect email address and password you have for the WM account.
Dave, the OP he never asked how many primary domains he could have.
You do NOT need to by a starter pack with every domain.
You can associate as many domains as you want to one starter pack.
This was the question right?
Or am I reading it wrong.
I thought I had all this sorted but now am getting confused again. Ally seemed to confirm the correctness of my view on my other recent threads which are on this topic ... and he should know.
My understanding was that you buy a £2.99 starter pack, get a web hosting acccount and a domain name with this account.
Suppose then you want another domain with this account with the aim of managing web space on this new domain. I was suggesting that in order to do this you needed to log into the account, buy the domain, and pay another £2.99 for web hosting for this second domain. If you want a third domain on which to host a website then you need to log into the account buy the domain, and pay another £2.99 for webhosting etc (In fact the packate cost is listed as £5 but BT will reimburse the difference.).
One alternative for three domains with webhosting is to have three different £2.99 accounts each with a different username and password.
However ... spank ... you are suggesting another alternative that I don't full understand that involves splitting the 5Gb. Please could you elaborate on this? What do you mean contact the 'desk'. Are you sure with this solution that there will be three clickable links one for each of the three domains when you go into manage domains?
A domain(s) can be present on an account with no AWH or IBP.
A customer can have as many IBPs / AWHs on one account as they desire.
It is not necessary to assosciate a domain with a hosting package.