I seem to be stuck in an ever decreasing circle of zero technical support....
I have a domain which i bought some years ago from BT and which has been fine until about 10 days ago.
The issue is with my business emails not being forwarded to my main email address.
It seems that BT acted as a re-seller to a company called register.com who are based in Canada.
When I sign in to my account at bt.com/domains there are "contact us" and "technical support" areas but anything entered into these is being bounced by BT to register.com...... and is then coming back to my main email account as "undeliverable" from register.com!! Please note I am not here emailing anyone , rather just trying to use the support forms etc but it is in the form of an email that the "undeliverable" is coming back to me.
Register.com have made their support etc completely impossible to contact without a login name and user name..... which I don't have as mine are for BT!
BT have been totally useless and after hours on hold and being bounced to the wrong department etc have finally informed me that the domain service I purchased from them, and which has not yet expired, is an old product and "probably no longer supported"..... They say they can't help me and can't give me a number or email for anyone who can..... even though it is through bt.com/domains that I log in to my domain!!
Indeed that appears to be the problem.
A much bigger problem though for me is that BT did'nt tell me about this and even asked me to pay to re-new my domain name! All this meant I could never contact anyone from either BT or register.com.... When I rang BT I was told they had no record of me being a customer even..... but still asked me to re-new a few weeks later... Shabby customer service in my opinion.
IF they now contact me with an offer to re-new... but with a proper service that includes being able to contact them... and a reduction for all the trouble this has put me to, then I would consider it seriously. Over to you BT.
Yes definately.
My customer had no contact from BT and like you had a renewal a few months before this stopped working, and when we called BT the call centre said this wasn't a BT domain!!!
We found teh easiest way was just moving the domains. It was made a bit easier in that the customer was the admin contact for the domains and we were able to move the .co.uk easily, but for the .com we had to put a complaint in and after a few days resgister.com unlocked the domain and gave us the key to request a transfer!