I am new to BT Business routers and have had everything setup but this router does not want to co-operate...
Essentially I have a small network with 4 VLAN's. Three of these VLAN's have computers, whilst the fourth is dedicated to the Internet connection. A L3 switch is correctly routing between all the VLAN's and sending traffic to its default gateway which is the router. I can ping the router's internal interface from all subnets...
The problem I seem to be having is if I place myself on any other VLAN than the router itself, I cannot get to the Internet. I saw a routing section within the router and added my networks into it, which enabled the pings from the other subnets to work, but still no traffic seems to go through the router and return..
I have looked around for manuals but found nothing, and spoke to BT only to be told that because the router is functioning if I plug directly into it, everything is fine and if I want any other help I should speak to BT Technical and pay for it... which quite frankly is charming for a "Business" level product...
If anyone can help I would really appreciate it.