This should be a pretty straigh forward process. However, I'm not seeing any tutiorials here. I would suggest to call the tech support on this.
That would actually depend on your hosting plan. If the plan you subscribed is supporting sub domains, there is always a guide on how to do so.
Hi James,
This can be done quite easily, if you login to your account on click - manage services - manage your domain name (under domains) - click on manage next to - click advanced domain manager.
On this page, there should be three fields, in a blank row in the box on the left type "dev" in the drop down select "A record" in the value box type, ""
This should allow you to use this URL with your BT hosting.
However this is not actually possible with BT Hosting.
The only way to create a sub domain is to use Url or Frame forwarding to the relevant folder within your BT webspace or to another web server using an A record.
Kind Regards,
Ian -F-
BT Business Domains
I think it's a very easy way to create a memorable Web address for unique content areas of your site.