Hi, my internet went off about 6:30, it does it every so often, and a simple home hub restart usually does the trick.
However, this is taking the pee now. I'm using somebody elses unsecure network, in order to try and get some help...
The Broadband, and Wireless lights are on, on my home hub. However, the Internet one is not.
Everytime I open the Hub Manager, it says "Your Broadband line is disconnected" and when I click connect, it just says:
"Disconnected by user"
I haven't found much when searching on Google, however I came across something about username authentication problems, which I tried, and it still did'nt work.
I tried a resetting to factory default settings, but it's still the same.
"Connection could not be established: Disconnected by user"
Test Results:
DSL - Ticked
ATM - Could not send loopback cell
PPP - Your connection is currently down
My phone line works...
I'm completely stumped, anybody got ant ideas?
I'm pretty sure that there is some massive outage at the moment. The 2 lines in the office that we use for testing stuff were doing the same thing (yes, even BT offices get affected by outages) and my home connection is also doing this.
The outage was unconfirmed when I left, but all the signs are there. I am pretty sure that loads of people will be experiencing this and they will be working to resolve it.
our internet has been down since abut 18:30 too. but there is no way to report it on line, and the mentioned outages dont cover our area.
taking that most people will be connecting via a slow mobile connection when broadband is down, the route to get even the status is horrendous.
Come on BT make life a wee bit easier for your customers - put the status on the home page and give a simple way of people registering a problem.
Hi there,
Are you still having problems with your internet connections or are they now back up and running?
As there has not been anything further to this I am assuming that the issue was related to the Outage. Consequently I will close off this thread. If you do have further issues please post on the forum and we will try and assist if we can.