Having now spent the last 2 weeks filtering spam on this new wonderful 365 I have come home tonight to find I can no longer login in to my email account, I have had to also open a new account to post on this forum as it no longer recognizes my password. This brilliant! Any ideas? (SICK OF THIS)
If you want help, you can elaborate your issue more so everyone could understand completely.
When I login in to email account it will not accept my password, if I try to reset password it will not accept the answerer to my security question, also I cannot access this forum with my original login details I have had to re register. Hope this might help.
I'm in a similar situation - suspect email has been hacked and original password changed. When I try to reset it does not accept my answer to the security question, which I know is correct! Any moderator with a solution?
settings for btconnect email on a Imac
For any issues where you suspect that you have been hacked or that your account has been compromised I would highly recommend that you contact us