No idea there was a business forum but here's what's happened so far
So, how do I contact the mods on here then? They were pretty nifty on the residential forums (replied today when I sent the message on Sat, pretty good considering it's still Bank holiday!) but I got told that my issues have to be handled by the business BT team.
Basically, my connection can't seem to hold sync at above 1760 kbs; during night time when the SNR drops (due to increased electrical usage etc) if I had the connection syncced at 2Mbs or above (highest I've seen is 2.4Mbs) then it will lose connection and resync at ~1760kbs. My estimated linespeed is 2Mbs but I'm not really seeing that and it is frustrating. With a 52 db downstream attenuation I should see up to 4Mbs but obviously that's dependent on perfect conditions.
Anyway, loads of details on that 4 page thread I won't repeat myself on here.
PS I tried to use this page
I put in our number but it came back as unrecognised, what gives?
Can you install and run Router Stats Lite for 24 hours with plots of sync speed and SNR and 1 minute intervals?
And provide images here for comment.
Hey, I'm away from the location till the weekend but I'll be sure to do that first thing from Friday evening. In the mean time, is there any chance you can arrange for the SNR to be reset, should be interesting to see again where it finds stability. I'm assuming that 6 db is default and it works its way up by 3 db each increment till it's stable?
I'm not one of the mods here and cannot do anything but will try to help.
To get te SNR reset the easiest way is to call teh Tech Support desk and explain - they don't bite, honest!
By getting a detailed RS or RSL plot you will be able to see what the SNR does overnight - does it vary by 2dB from day to night or 7 dB (or more) which can happen. Are there any specific noise pulses that cause a resync ... or long bursts of noise.
Hmm, I guess I can give them a ring later.
From what I can see so far (look at the posts on bt forum) the SNR will fluctuate by as much as 6 db over the course of the day. Haven't pinned it down to the cause yet, there's a lot of electrical appliances nearby (like big fridge motor, microwave, CRT TV) but they've been turned on and off at different times without affect the line. Might need to do a more thorough investigation but I'm stumped. It's currently syncced at 2.2Mbs downstream with ~12 db SNR so hopefully by the time I return home it'll be more than 3 days of stability.
Personally, I think the HH2 is partly to blame and will be replacing it with a TP Link.
But yeah, what you've suggested is a good idea, I really wish I'd know/thought about it earlier!
How is that you have a HH2 on a business service?
Given your line length, have a look on a certain "auction site" and see if you can get a 2wire2700HGV with v6 firmware. Good on high attenuation lines and will hiold sync down to quite low levels.
Something is nagging though about the HH2 and RS/RSlite and I am not sure if it will work. The HH2 is not listed, some claim to have got it to work. If not, can you borrow a hub to try and grab some data?
Reusing it as my sister used to have a residential line with BT. I wouldn't have used it but it was free and I only had G Wireless routers.
I've ordered a TP-Link TD-W8960N as recommended in the BTcare forums.
I'll take your recommendation into consideration for future though.
Hmm, like I said it'll have to wait till Friday evening before I can start but thanks for the tips so far.
Keep us updated. Let us know on how it works out for you. 🙂
Well the new router should arrive by Friday. I've got a feeling, just like the last two times, the connection will have been up since I was away but with disconnect and resync shortly after I turn up (my parents are still there so it's not like all electricals got turned on when I arrive). Hopefully I can log those SNR details with the HH2 just to see how bad it is.
Ok, just arrived back at my parents and here are the stats
ADSL line status
Line state | Connected |
Connection time | 3 days, 20:59:22 |
Downstream | 2,144 Kbps |
Upstream | 448 Kbps |
VPI/VCI | 0/38 |
Type | PPPoA |
Modulation | ITU-T G.992.1 |
Latency type | Interleaved |
Noise margin (Down/Up) | 12.9 dB / 20.0 dB |
Line attenuation (Down/Up) | 52.0 dB / 25.5 dB |
Output power (Down/Up) | 16.5 dBm / 11.9 dBm |
Loss of Framing (Local) | 0 |
Loss of Signal (Local) | 99 |
Loss of Power (Local) | 0 |
FEC Errors (Down/Up) | 7062336 / 118 |
CRC Errors (Down/Up) | 16695 / N/A |
HEC Errors (Down/Up) | N/A / 59 |
Error Seconds (Local) | 4391 |