I'm in the Halifax area struggling with a long ADSL line. We can't get FTTC because our cabinet hasn't been upgraded. Bizzarely our second warehouse, on the same industrial eastate, is on a different cabinet and can get fibre.
Can anyone from BT help us make the case for getting our cabinet upgraded?
See our Speedtest.net results for an idea of what I'm up against;
I am sorry that I've taken this long to reply, there is a link to register interest in Infinity Broadband here:
BT Infinity for Business
Look in the When will Infinity be available? section.
Thank you for your input but we have done this already JohnE. What I am looking to do is make a direct business case to someone rather than registering interest.
EFM has been attempted on our site but is not stable. The next option up is leased fibre which is extremely costly.