We have had emails sent to us going missing recently....well more like never being received! The sender doesn't get an error message their end so assumes all is well
If however I get them to resend it to a different bt.connect.com account this seems to work. As a business our company email address is advertised so I cannot afford to loose emails in this way
HELP?....ANSWERS?.....SUGGESTIONS?.....WHY?..... I can give examples of addresses where emaisl have been sent that have never been delivered
Come on BT tech guys...answer and solve this please ASAP!!!
No worries, click your envelope icon at the top of this page, I've sent you a private message.
Dear Guyla,
I have asked the Email helpdesk to review this case. Hopefully we'll get you going!
Kind regards.
The message being returned is
Your message did not reach some or all of the intended recipients. Subject: 3 Sent: 18/01/2010 19:53 The following recipient(s) could not be reached:
email@btconnect.com on 18/01/2010 20:00
The e-mail account does not exist at the organization this message was sent to. Check the e-mail address, or contact the recipient directly to find out the correct address.
c2beaimr03.btconnect.com #5.1.1 SMTP; 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay for email@btconnect.com>
This looks like a problem with BT's exchange server, if you got a few of these return messages together the mail team may be able to raise it as fault for you, otherwise you will likely have to call the helpdesk armed with this information.
Sorry I can't be any more help than that.
Spoke to your Dundee set up today (Saturday) - Mr Ferguson
I have since tested it lots from my Tiscali account.
Bounceback appears to be occurring when the BT server does not recognise guy@linley-adams.co.uk as an alias for linley-adams@btconnect.com
Can you let him know ?
Also why when I send a message out from Outlook Web Access are my emails being received (for example by my tiscali address) as being from linley-adams@btconnect.com and NOT the alias guy@linley-adams.co.uk
Why is nothing ever simple ?
Problem now with Backroom, whatever that is - still getting messages to me sent back to senders
They were going to call me today Monday 25th January, but they didn't.
First reported fault on 11th January - that's two weeks now.
Service is frankly useless.
No-one has thought to apologise yet either......
Please could you pass this to your boss, his or her boss and the boss above him or her.
Utterly disillusioned
Is there anyone out there ?
Does anyone at BT care about this ?
It is now 27th january and this is still not fixed.
I have almost given up hope that BT will ever bother to do anything about this.....
People still getting bounceback messages this morning when trying to e-mail me.
Can anyone suggest who I go to next to complain ?
How do I claim compensation from BT for this ?
Best bet is to escalate through the helpdesk, they have a complaints process in place that will help.
Sorry...hadn't finished my reply.....
Thanks, but I have already done this to no avail
I have spoken to Dundee email issues (Peter Ferguson and David Harding and someone this morning called Drew) who say they have referred my problem to the 'Back Office' who have had it now since last Friday.
I have also spoken to and chatted to on-line on various occasions the following BT staff.....Mark, Jo, Chris Gray, Ross, Lisa , Andrew and Mohammed.
This has now been going on for 20 days.
There a manager called Amy in the Back Office allegedly delaing with it - I am not allowed to her surname or conact details as she is 'not customer facing' (not a hint of irony there then....)
They seem to be doing absolutely nothing at all to solve the problem.
I want to scream.
Any advice from anyone ?