We have had emails sent to us going missing recently....well more like never being received! The sender doesn't get an error message their end so assumes all is well
If however I get them to resend it to a different bt.connect.com account this seems to work. As a business our company email address is advertised so I cannot afford to loose emails in this way
HELP?....ANSWERS?.....SUGGESTIONS?.....WHY?..... I can give examples of addresses where emaisl have been sent that have never been delivered
Come on BT tech guys...answer and solve this please ASAP!!!
Hi there,
If no return messages are being received then the email is being sent and received successfully. I would check for forwarding on the mailbox in the business portal, make sure its not being sent elsewhere.
Also, if someone has a mail client set up for that email address then they will be downloading the email and removing it from the server, might be worth changing the password on it.
Try sending yourself a test message using the webmail (email.btconnect.com) and keep hitting the receive button to see if it comes back in, keep refreshing the inbox and watch to see if it dissappears on its own. This will confirm someone is downloading your email.
Me too
Joined BT three weeks ago - new business start-up
Have had endless stream of phone calls from people saying their replies to my emails have been bounced back by BT as undeliverable
I would have no way of knowing how many emails have just 'vanished' but I have suspicions that some people I know who, out of experience, would normally reply at once, don't seem to have.
Reported this to BT 4 times now
No joy - despite assurances that it is fixed, it is still happening.
Beginning to get fed up and that is after only three weeks
If you're reading this BT, see this morning's email complaint - ref 100121 000184
Hi there,
Is it only replies that fail? If they send direct to you does it work OK?
Not sure - what's your point ?
Sorry - mean to say 'thanks' - I am a little frustrated by this !
Thats ok, it can be annoying.
When you create a new email, the address is either manually typed or taken from the contacts list. When you reply to an email, you use the 'reply to' address provided by the sender. Depending on how the message is being sent to you will depend on the problem and it will be useful to see if both methods cause a problem or just one.
Hope thats a bit clearer 🙂
I am guessing here, but I think the majority (possibly all) are 'reply to' messages.
But it isn't all such messages that are affected.
Some 'reply to' messages have definitely got through - I would guess the majority - only some are bounced back
Can you send me an email to my tesco address if you don't mind and I'll reply to it, see if I get the same problem. I'll PM you the address.
Very happy to - what's your address ?
Sorry - thought you must be a BT bod - you're very kind doing this.