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NETGEAR D7800-100UKS Nighthawk + Static IP's




Looking into this modem/router


But was wondering if this works with BT Static IP's, I have 5, I want to change becasue the wifi on the hub 5 is terrible also after 2-3 weeks of use I am finding that I am having to reset it back to factory, this is the 2nd router from BT and I only been with them since November 2016, yeah not long and been alot of issues, ready for a repeat for this Hub.

All my issues are Hub related.

My Servers software do not like the IP change and screws up the licence as they are IP looked-up.

So resetting up the router is a pain, I have to then power on the servers so they register onto the network and shut them down half way through booting up just so I can allocate the correct Static IP for the server.

Not a ideal set-up at all, I even use a back up config file after the set up but they doesnt seems to solve the issue, also have to to a complate reset, if I miss the shut down period on my servers befor they check the licence against the IP it has, i then get errors and results in a wipe fo the server and reset up, doing this every 2-3 weeks as you can imagine is not a ideal situation.


Anyway, would this router do what I want, can I also pre-allocate IP's without booting the machine up. As we all know machines have a MAC address and alot of router will let you manually type those in.

Feature the Hub 5 is really laking and would solve a big issue of mine, then resetting the router wouldnt be so much of a headache, more of a annoyance


Thank You