Hi Everyone,
At the moment we have wifi in an office which is not the main one, meaning everytime we log on we have to manually connect using a VPN client on our own PC's.
Is there a way to set up in the settings so the router connects to VPN itself rather than each user having to do this manually?
Hi there Joe,
unfortunately the BT router is not able to create a VPN and can only act as a passthrough, there are other routers out there that would establish the VPN for you.
Hi Markp,
Thanks for your reply!
So is there no way of setting this up so myself and others no longer have to use a VPN client?
Hi Joe,
as far as I know you would would need a hardware VPN device to keep the VPN connected all the time I could be wrong as it is not something I cover.
Hi Markp,
Thanks for your help, ill look into it further!