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Sunday 18th Aug


My Broadband went down

Called BT and heard an automated message during the whole day “there is a major fault in your area this will be fixed within 2 hours”.


Monday 19th Aug

Called BT that my Broadband isn’t working

And I booked an engineer to come Tuesday 20th.


Tuesday 20th Aug

No engineer came

I called BT and was told that the engineer made a note that he fixed the problem from outside and had no need to enter our office

I made it clear to BT that my Broadband isn’t working

And I booked an engineer to come Wednesday 21st.


Wednesday 21st Aug

No engineer came

Called BT and was told SORRY

So I book an engineer to come on Thursday 22nd.


Thursday 22nd Aug

An engineer came And Changed the Openreach Modem and then worked for 5mins and stopped and reset the Modem and Router then worked for 5mins and stopped

So he told me to call BT and get a business Hub instead my Home Hub and he was wondering that if I am a business costumer I should have one.

I called BT and ordered a new Hub and booked an engineer to come Friday 23rd.


Friday 23rd Aug

I received the business Hub (the hub that BT supplied years ago [2wire]) and an engineer came and he told me that this problem is nothing to do with my Hardware (Modem – Router) but this is a fault outside so he done his work outside and also he crimped some wires inside my office to be sure I have no further problems and was working fine.

He told me that he found some bad connections in the Green fibre box on the street.


Sunday 25th Aug

In the early morning I entered the office and again no Broadband and no outgoing calls

I called BT to book an engineer

An engineer came on the same day and he told me the Phone line is faulty and that’s why I can’t make any outgoing calls and need to be fixed in the Exchange Centre and this had coursed broadband fault.

The Exchange Centre is closed on Sundays and on Monday the 26th Aug (Bank Holiday) so I have to wait till Tuesday 27th Aug.

So I made sure with BT that I will see an engineer Tuesday 27th Aug to make sure that all the work is done.


Tuesday 27th Aug

No engineer came

Called BT and was told SORRY

So I book an engineer to come on Wednesday 28th Aug.


Wednesday 28th Aug

No engineer came

Called BT and was told SORRY

So I book an engineer to come on Thursday 29th Aug


Thursday 29th Aug

An Engineer came (D*** ******– 0**** *** **4)  and he told me that the outgoing calls not working is because the Friday 23rd Aug Engineer made a wrong crimping so it was cancelling the outgoing calls as I have 3 lines coming in and he fixed that problem.

And he done some work on the street and the then Broadband was working fine till midday.

To my luck I had the Engineers mobile number so I text him that the Broadband is Down again.

He replied to me that his suggestion is to change my allocated port and to get some new Fibre ports and this is up to BT.

So I called BT and made a booking for Friday 30th Aug and asked to note down the last engineers suggestion.


Friday 30th Aug

No engineer came

Called BT and was told SORRY

So I book an engineer to come on Sunday 1st Sep


Sunday 1st Sep

An engineer came and confirmed that the Thursday 29th Aug engineer is right and the problem from the beginning is only that the port is faulty and evidence to this he told me that on the Openreach Modem is the ADSL light always ON that means that NO fault is in my office up until the green box, so connection is good but only data is not running through.

And he was in wonder why no engineer had gone down this way and straight away asked BT to change the Port.

So he sent a request back to BT to Lift+Shift my port.

I called BT to make sure that BT will change my Fibre port and I was told that this can take up to the 4th Sep.


Tuesday 3rd  Sep

I called BT 7:00pm and was told that I need to book another engineer appointment that because the engineering department has sent a message to BT 3:00pm to contact me to make a booking

I ask BT why they didn’t call me she answered me that I am on a waiting list to get a call.

So I booked an engineer for Wednesday 4th Sep.


Wednesday 4th  Sep

I called BT 12:30pm to hear an update on this morning engineers appointment

To my surprise I was told that this appointment has been cancelled by ????

So I booked an engineer for Sunday 8th Sep and I asked BT if this work can be done on a Sunday he answered me that if the system allows him to book that’s means this work can be done.

Then I was transferred to M***** *****w from BT who will take this case and will monitor this case and make sure to get in to an end.  


Sunday 8th  Sep

An engineer came (D*** *****s – 0**** ** **7) and confirmed again what the Tuesday 3rd  Sep and Thursday 29th Aug engineer has both said that the problem from the beginning is only that the port is faulty and is in sync but only data is not running through and a Lift+Shift by BT Should have solve this issue long time ago.

And he was in wondering why BT has not change the Port as requested on Sunday 1st Sep.

So he sent again the request to BT to change my port and check that it may be a configuration issue and both C-tag and S-tag need to be checked by BT.

And he asked BT why they booked such a call on a Sunday if the BT Lift+Shift department is closed.


Super User




Well that was interesting to read!


I also have had similar experiences with Bt & I am pleased it is not just me that complains, I have to say though that I have had many good experiences with Bt business too, it is a shame their service can not be consistent, but hey that would make life to easy.


