We have a house on a very small island and therefore have had a specialist telephone unit installed that is radio linked to the telephone exchange in Broadford.
We have experienced difficulties, one with the batteries charging within the unit and also now we’re having difficulties with the system on phoning in and receiving calls. When we phone the number, it rings in the normal way but there seems to be some issues.
We wondered if you could arrange for the specific technical people that would be able to deal with this to come out and see us in April, however when calling BT I often come through to customer services people who have no idea what I'm talking about and insist on taking me through the process for a normal phone line.
Please tell me how I can get in touch with the specialists that understand what I'm talking about and can help us book a non-standard call out. We have been trying to book this for months now, it may seem far in advance but access to the island is by small boat only, and involves planning.
I just want to talk to somebody who can give me some helpful and informed advice.
I don't think BT have a technical team that works in the field. It should have been better if they do, right?