On Friday 6th January at around 18:30, my business fibre broadband stopped working. Looking at the router logs at this end, it appears to be a PPP authentication issue. On contacting BT, I was eventually told that an engineer would need to visit Saturday 7th January 2012 between 1pm and 6pm. Although I am certain this is not an issue at my end, I know that BT have to follow procedure, so I accepted the appointment.
Come 6pm Saturday, no engineer showed. I called BT to find out what was going on and I was told "we don't know what happened, but we'll book another appointment for 8am to 1pm Sunday 8th."
Sunday 8th I phoned BT at 07:50 to check the appointment, and was told "This will definitely happen today". Same story, no show. After a lot of calls Sunday afternoon and early evening, I got a text message saying and engineer would now be with me 8am to 1pm Monday 9th.
Monday 9th again I called to check. I am told the engineer would attend. Then get a call saying appointment is now 1pm to 6pm. So that makes 3 missed appointments
I am so sick of BT now. I called to investigate how I leave BT broadband. I am told it would cost me £600 to disconnect.
I am currently paying BT £55 per month for business broadband. And I have no broadband connection. Further, BT are holding me hostage here with the constant re-appointments. I know if I'm not around if BT call, then I'll get 'fined' £100's.
Come on BT - play fair and sort my problem out and stop wasting my time!
so after being told no engineer this morning and I'd have to wait in between 1pm and 5pm, an engineer turned up at 11:30.
Clever BT, trying to get my £100 fine for not being in - fortunatly I am one step ahead, and somehow knew you'd do this to me.
Anyway, supprise supprise, the engineer confirmed what I knew 3 days ago - this is a PPP authentication fault, and not a line fault or problem with the hardware here. I now have to wait another god-knows how long for this to be escallated to the next step.
What a bunch of bloody amatures BT are.
so to sumarise...
3 days with no Fibre Broadband and counting
3 no show or cancelled engineer visits
1 engineer visit at unscheduled time
40+ phone calls to BT to try and get this sorted
£55 + VAT per month for fibre business broadband
£600 if I wish to leave BT
What a way to do business!!!
Well, there's a surprise <not>. After finally having my diagnosis that it's a PPP authentication issue confirmed by a BT engineer, and the fault escalated to the right person, the problem is cleared within a few minutes.
I will now put my efforts into getting compensation from BT - you're not going to get away with this much wasted time and frustration, not to mention the loss of service.
As soon as my contract comes to an end, it will be bye bye BT
Hi Groz, any luck on this issue so far?