How do I get off Onebill. I used to have 3 phone accounts and broadband but now only have 1 phone and a broadband account and i find the Onebill account very confusing. So many recurring amounts (not specified) and different dates and One off payments without explination (that took me weeks of trying to get amended and I got wrongly cut off for (costing me a lot of money). I accepted your apology and a small amount of credit as compensation but it won't be so easy to keep me next time.
Please don't ask me to ring them, they seem to forget how to pick the phone up.
I've just re-signed my broadband at a new lower price, which has increased my bill on Onebill.
Cheers mate. Did someone answer!!!!!!!!
It's good to know that BT take action on this forum. No reply from them to this or the e-mail I sent.
Just spoke to BT Business via 152 to try and sort out a OneBill issue